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Targeting Website Effectiveness

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SEO Optimization

Targeting Website Effectiveness

In assessing your website or planning your next version implementation of your site, where do you start? Collecting metrics? Choosing a technology? To go with a graphically driven or highly functioning site? All good questions to ask, but interpreting the data and making decisions requires you deciding what you want to achieve. This is simple to answer, and that is the user experience.

Understanding your user, allowing them to intuitively achieve what they want and providing your answers to them with a call to action in your favor … it all sounds simple, yet it’s often forgotten in developing websites.

Too often, a website planning session focuses on the internal organizations needs of what it wants to achieve. This is usually the dominant driving forve in dveeloping a website, and following this path can lead an attractive, fully functional website…but will it be effective?

Without considering the user experience, you could have a beautiful work of art that fails to achieve your organization’s marketing goals. Contact us at ContentActive today and see how we can help you create the ultimate user experience, without sacrificing the cutting edge design and functionality your company is looking for.

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