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Houston Technology Firm Creates IoT Wearable Trackable Work-Safety Solution

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Houston Technology Firm Creates IoT Wearable Trackable Work-Safety Solution

Houston Technology Firm Creates IoT Wearable Trackable Work-Safety Solution

ContentActive announces the release of, a real-time worksite visibility solution that tracks workers to ensure site safety, provide real-time worker visibility, and deliver functional, gap analysis, and flow requirements.

August 22, 2020

HOUSTON, Texas – ContentActive, LLC, the leader in next-generation web technology and mobile software development, has released Tracers, a management and real-time worker activity dashboard that helps increase workplace safety, risk, and efficiency management for construction, energy & industrial markets.

“As with most companies, ContentActive considers safety in the workplace to be a vital priority,” said Brian Gaubert, founder and CEO of ContentActive and Tracers. “Owners need confidence in knowing their workers and assets are safe on an hourly and daily basis. Tracers enables this to be done in real-time using IoT sensors such as GPS, temperature and fall detection along with LaRaWAN and the ability to drill down a search on company, zones, trades, and workers.”

Tracers enables business owners and managers to confidently monitor site-safety with real-time incident and hazard alerts which also reduce site evacuation times. This is accomplished using worker zones along with notifications and integration with 3rd party systems.

Utilizing cloud integration through Azure and Amazon AWS, real-time worksite visibility addresses several key tracking control components providing worker location by zone & floor, the ability to optimize equipment utilization & the monitoring of operators, and the capability to identify workers in specific areas of interest, no-go zones, and confined spaces.

The real-time GPS motion map offers an array of functions including Zone Edge Detection that reveals when people are entering and leaving zones. Zones Management supports creating and editing zones in a circular or polygraph zone creation, as well as selecting and assigning zone colors.

The Map Management feature allows zoom views and an option to focus on a specific area by name, address or geo location. This also enables a multiple map view as well as satellite.

The People and Asset Data settings permit the ability to view people and asset details. The People and Asset Search is custom tailored to user implementation with additional capabilities of turning on or off zones. Wi-Fi interface, Ethernet port and USB host port provide flexible methods for users to connect their sensor networks to the internet.

Through the use of wearable devices and LoRaWAN technology, tracking of users and assets can reach extremely long ranges of 10km+. Tracers provides mobility functionalities imperative for the ever-changing business world that has become increasingly dependent on mobile data.

For more information, or to schedule a demonstration on how Trackers can benefit your business, visit to schedule a meeting.


About ContentActive

ContentActive is one of the country’s leaders in the next generation of web effectiveness. It has served the technology communications market across web or mobile platforms to help clients generate leads, increase brand impressions, make purchases, donations or participation. ContentActive has served the technology communications market in the areas of content management, intranets, extranets, payment solutions and hosting since 2000 and mobility and search since January 2009.

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