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Services Provided:
  • Admin Portal
  • Customer Portal


OnderLaw is a law firm that provides a unique service to other legal firms, specifically focusing on Mass Tort cases. The platform allows law firms to check if potential clients are already represented by another firm. Legal firms can upload new client potentials for a fee to search for existing matches in other firms’ databases. The system includes a signup and payment process via Stripe, enabling firms to pre-pay for a set number of uploads. This service ensures transparency and reduces the risk of overlapping client representation.

The Challenge:

The challenge was to develop an application in order to increase communication efficiency and maintain transparency . The system provides a signup and payment process using Stripe for the firm and has the ability to pre-pay for a number of uploads. Firms then upload potential clients and match against other firms that have uploaded clients. If matches are found, then the system will identify which clients have already been represented. It is up to the firm on matches to select whether they want to represent clients that have already been represented.

The Strategy:

ContentActive reviewed the requirement and decided the Payments, Billing, Invoices information  processing will be integrated using Stripe also suggested the “Subscription”  Module that allows number of Uploads or Searches.

  • Payment Integration:The payment processing and billing system were integrated using Stripe, ensuring secure and efficient transactions.
  • Subscription Management: The system incorporated a subscription module to manage the number of uploads or searches that firms could conduct based on their subscription tier.
  • User Management: A robust user authentication and management system was built, allowing firms to easily track and manage their accounts, clients, and activity on the platform.

Key Features


User Authentication

Secure login and user verification for law firms and administrators.


My Account

Firms can manage their account settings, view payment history, and check their upload credits.


Billing & Invoices

Integration with Stripe for processing payments and generating invoices based on subscriptions and uploads.


Mass Tort Validator

The core functionality of the system, allowing firms to upload potential clients and match them with other firms' databases to identify overlapping representations.


Manage Customer Information

Firms can easily store and access client data, improving customer management and communication.



Automatic alerts to notify firms of successful uploads, matches found, or any issues with the system.


Subscription Management

Firms can manage their subscription levels, pre-pay for uploads, and track available credits.


Administrator Portal

A portal for administrators to manage users, subscriptions, client activity, and system settings.


User Activity Tracking

Keeps track of firm activities, including the number of searches, client uploads, and system interactions.


ContentActive successfully developed both an Admin Portal and a Customer Portal, offering the following results:

This solution helped OnderLaw improve operational efficiency, transparency, and communication between legal firms, ultimately contributing to better client management and reducing the risk of errors in Mass Tort client representation.

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