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ContentActive Tackles Big Data for Oil and Gas Companies

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ContentActive Tackles Big Data for Oil and Gas Companies

Now that we all have such easy access to a world’s worth of information in our back pockets, it’s hard to imagine a time we weren’t carrying a smartphone and had to resort to an encyclopedia.

Most groundbreaking innovations make us feel that way – be it the smartphone, Facebook, or email, the ease they bring about makes it almost impossible to understand how we lived without them.

At ContentActive, that’s what we are bringing to Oil and Gas companies using the latest groundbreaking technology known as Big Data.

Big Data takes data aggregation currently used from the stone ages to the lightening-paced modern era by enabling large organizations to assess their overall revenue and profitability with far less time and fewer steps than the average program allows for.

Use of older technologies, which is currently widespread throughout the oil and gas industry, causes severe lag times and calls for laborious by-hand input. These outdated tools just aren’t cutting it anymore because of the sheer amount of information and the regulation required for use of that data. Not to mention, inaccuracies brought about by human error make it difficult to accurately interpret the data and get a real understanding of you company’s profitability.  

Big data tools such as Oracle’s Endeca, Hadoop and DynamoDB, all three of which we integrate for our customers enabling users to provide structured analysis of massive amounts of data from various sources such as Well data and SCADA.

We are helping companies to get an accurate assessment of their data that can be used for organization growth and more effective management. We know what we have on our hands is a solution that all oil and gas companies should be using today…and we’re here to get you started.

ContentActive has engaged some of the world’s leading oil and gas companies in converting to Big Data, and we want to help you next. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you grow your business by streamlining your data aggregation process. We look forward to hearing from you!

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