About Us
Giving back to the community
We Care about our Community
ContentActive was formed in 2006 and from our beginning community involvement was our strategy for building our brand. We knew that through Communication, Collaboration and Connection to our Community we could build a company with Clients for Life, our Mission.
We began modestly volunteering with organizations from The Greater Houston Partnership to the American Heart Association, from TechCorps Texas to Houston Technology Center.
In 2007 we created our HoustonActive, Supporting Education Through Technology, event to raise awareness of the need for education through technology for our underserved youth in the city of Houston. The events have honored the community's leading non-profits along with local government initiatives working in this sector. Honorees in Houston have included Mayor Bill White and his Digital Inclusion Program, Harris County Education Foundation and their work with NASA and robotics, TechCorps Texas and its K-12 IT Systems education program, Communities in Schools, The Association for the Advancement of Mexican Americans, and Prepared for Life and its Lemonade Day program.
Over these last years we have supported many of Houston’s leading Civic and Non-profit organizations through sponsorship dollars, discounted and donated interactive services, email support for their fund raising and event management efforts and continued volunteerism. If you are a community organization, contact us today to find out how we can bring your digital presence to new heights.